Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sunday night dinner

I got this idea from another blogger that I read.  She calls them virtual coffee dates - basically, it is just a post of everything you would tell a friend if you were on a coffee date.  I'd like to call this one a virtual Sunday night dinner.  If we were having Sunday night dinner together, here's what I'd tell you:

I'd say that things are going well so far in Singapore.  I feel lucky that my social calendar has been pretty full already, and I am so thankful that there were people here to welcome me in when I got here.  I am glad that there were a few others who moved over here shortly before I did and were able to help me get settled and tackle all the things that come with moving to a new country.  I definitely have adopted the attitude of accepting every single invitation to do anything, and I can say that saying yes every time is exhausting but rewarding!

I'd say that I don't have a really clear sense of what my work life will be like yet.  This week was a bit slow to get going, mostly because it was a three day work-week (for National Day) and I spent most of those three days tackling HR-y type stuff.  But from what I can tell, I think this first year will be fairly challenging, as a number of transitions happen, but I think I will learn a ton.  I'd tell you that I am already incredibly thankful for some of the people I will be working with - even after only a week, I can tell that I will like them a lot.

I'd say that the weather is what I thought it would be.  It's actually a lot like Tampa, but the difference is that in Tampa, you are never walking around outside.  And you never carry all your stuff with you while you walk.  So rather than driving in an air conditioned car with my laptop/purse/etc sitting in the backseat, I am now walking around carrying all my stuff.

I'd say that I feel like I will spend a lot of time on the treadmill since it is so freaking hot here.  (Speaking of running.. I would also complain about the fact that the men's marathon is not part of the Olympics coverage here.  Oh, and I think I am signing up for two 10Ks tomorrow...)

I'd say that I've been eating strangely.  I'm still living in my hotel, and I haven't bought any real groceries yet.  Most days for breakfast, I have some dry Cheerios and a spoonful of peanut butter.  I usually eat lunch and dinner out every day.  For those meals, I've been eating a mix of Western and Asian foods.  I am loving noodle soups - I have one almost every day.. sometimes twice a day!  I used to find it surprising that when it was 100 degrees outside, people would just want to eat a hot bowl of noodle soup, but I guess I have become one of those people.

I'd say that I miss you guys.


  1. Aw Mary Hsu we miss you too! I am loving your blog

  2. Miss you too Mary, but I love the fact I can keep up with your new life via blog :)
