Monday, August 6, 2012


So, whoever (if anyone) is reading this blog has probably already heard me complain about the price of groceries here in Singapore.  I feel like my eating habits will probably change significantly during my time here, simply because many of my staple foods in the US are either unavailable or grossly overpriced.  Let's take a look.

This breaks my heart.  S$15 for a carton of almond milk.  I love almond milk, and I put it in everything.. coffee, spinach smoothies, oatmeal, etc.  The outrageous cost of almond milk is particularly painful because apparently regular milk in Singapore tastes a little different than American milk.  The dairy is all from Australian cows, and I guess they have a different diet than California cows?

I don't know if you can see that or not, but that price tag says S$9.90 for a three pack of organic romaine hearts.  That is about $8 USD, which is outrageous.  Even for organic!

My beloved Greek yogurt.  A single cup for S$4.70.  I just can't stomach that.

Morningstar fake chicken strips for S$10.65.  There was a time when I literally lived on these.

Here is a non-grocery, obviously, but its worth a little mention!

This cracks me up for multiple reasons.  First of all, S$14 is way too much money for a bottle of Pantene.  But secondly, and even more hilarious, is the fact that it is "Hair Fall Control" shampoo!  I had a good laugh about this, but then noticed that a lot of other American brands, including Dove and Garnier, also had fall control products for sale.  Maybe this is an Asian epidemic?  I've always noticed that I shed a ridiculous amount of hair on my bathroom floor.  Maybe it has always been in my genes?

Other things that I have noticed at grocery stores in Singapore:

a)  They don't refrigerate their eggs here
b)  There are way more British and Aussie food choices than American food choices.  Does anyone have any experience with Marmite?
c)  Nutella is a worldwide phenomenon
d)  Most of the produce is from Malaysia
e)  There are tons of products that I don't recognize at all 

The one grocery item I have actually bought so far is a jar of peanut butter.  Jif is apparently a luxury brand, as it costs about S$9 a jar, but I bought a jar of Planter's peanut butter (the cheapest option) for a little less than S$5.  People tell me that you just get used to the prices, and you end up buying what you want to eat, so I guess that will happen to me at some point.  We'll see I guess.  

Any ideas on what is worth buying?  Or what else I should think about eating besides peanut butter?


  1. I just added you to my Google Reader!!

  2. Send me a list of your non-perishable faves! Seriously! I'm waiting on your email.

  3. That is crazy how expensive the food is. How much is bread, plain bread? I like bread. Do we need to send you food?
