Friday, August 10, 2012

Brown Rice Paradise and a few other fun things

So I discovered a pretty good grocery store in terms of healthy foods that I recognize from back home.  It's called Brown Rice Paradise :)

This place is good in terms of selection, but since its Singapore, the prices are still outrageous.

S$36.50 for a jar of almond butter.  I think you can get a jar twice as big as this at Costco for $15.

Brown Rice Paradise could be called nut butter paradise.  They actually have a really great selection - natural peanut, almond, cashew, etc, and they even have those little packets of Justin's that I love!

Barney Butter (S$14.50), Earth Balance almond butter (S$16), and Justin's classic packet (S$2.40)

Brown Rice Paradise, like the name suggests, also has a good selection of all kinds of grains.

Does anyone know what this is?  I've made quinoa for breakfast before, but it was just regular quinoa, not flaked quinoa that was specifically designated as breakfast cereal?

There were also more bread options than I am used to seeing here in Singapore, but I wasn't really familiar with all of the offerings.

What is a Seattle hot dog bun??

The store also carries some natural household items, personal care items, and cleaning supplies.

Obviously, I was overjoyed to see Mrs. Meyers!

I also stopped into another grocery store in the same shopping center and found some other fun-looking groceries that are new to me!

In the produce section.  The label says rambutan.  Anyone?

Tiny apples that look more like bell peppers to me.

Jarred goods.  I've never seen so much Marmite and Vegemite - There are a lot of Brits and Australians here (more so than Americans it seems).  Towards the top of the picture is Kaya, a local jam that you eat on toast! 

Continuing on with fun things I've seen, here is a quick peek at some other funny snapshots I've taken over the past week or so here in Singapore..

What's wrong with US beef?  Oh.. wait..

All malls have a food court area in the basement.  This one (Tanglin) is tasty.

This is carrot juice.  With a handle.  When you get a drink to go, they always give it to you with these little bag handles on it.  I have to say, I love it :)

And now.. I need to go find something to eat!

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