Sunday, April 28, 2013

A British Weekend

I'm lucky that there is quite a large community of ex-pats here in Singapore.  Although I naturally gravitate towards the Americans, I've become friends with a circle of Brits as well, and now a good portion of my social circle is comprised of British ex-pats.  This weekend, I had a bunch of Anglo activities on the agenda. Just prepping for my trip to London haha :)

Friday night, my friends and I headed up to the Turf Club for some horse racing!!  Previously, the only horse race that I'd ever been to was Steeplechase in Nashville, where you don't even see the horses, so this was quite the new experience for me.  The girls had even taken me shopping for a proper hat to wear!  (Then I decided to wear a different dress, so my hat no longer went with my outfit, but luckily, Rachel let me borrow a hairpiece.)

Girls with hair accessories

I actually had a really great time!  The guys taught me how to read the program and the odds, and it was fun to cheer on the horses during the races.  I only placed one bet, but I won $24!!

Horses lining up to start a race

Fuzzy picture.. but there they are!

I won!!

Saturday night, we had tickets to see Othello at Shakespeare in the Park at Fort Canning.  I actually live right next to Fort Canning, so it was pretty convenient.  We all packed a picnic and grabbed some space on the lawn to watch the play.  I've got to say - the Brits that I went with are much more well-versed in their Shakespeare than I am!  At one point during the first half, I actually Googled the plot to Othello to make sure that I was following along correctly :)

So this advertisement is a bit deceiving, as Desdemona (and about half the cast) was actually Asian

Cheeses, dips, chips, etc

The stage looks a bit weird in this picture, but I was really impressed with how well they managed to stage a play in the middle of Fort Canning

The rest of the weekend was pretty low key.  I've got an insane schedule for May, so I'm resting up while I can.  We have a public holiday on Wednesday this week, and then I am heading to London on Friday!  So excited!!  And when I get back to Singapore, I will officially be THIRTY.

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