Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Public holiday

November 12 - I'm thankful for my health
November 13 - I'm thankful for my co-workers in Nashville

Today is a Deepavali, which is a public holiday here in Singapore.  The office is closed, but I've been doing some work today, and I've seen every American that I know online at some point.  We just love to work :)

I haven't really done anything exciting since my last post, but I thought I would share some thoughts about a few small ways in which my life in Singapore is different from my life in America.

1.  I drink instant coffee.  One of my clients is kind of in the middle of nowhere, so there is no coffee shop close by that I can go to on my way into work.  So I bring a Starbucks VIA packet with me every day and make it when I get there.  I gave away my French press back in the US, and I would've never drank instant coffee at home, but here I guess I've made some sacrifices.

2.  I go out during the week.  Those who know me know that I never went out during the week when I lived in Nashville.  Partly in the spirit of saying yes to every invitation and partly in the spirit of relieving my elevated stress level, I go out (in varying degrees) on school nights.  Shocking.  I know.

3.  I don't bake, and I rarely cook.  Without an oven, baking is near impossible.  A few of my friends have ovens, so I could bake, but it seems like such a hassle to gather up all the ingredients and take them to someone else's house (on a bus or the MRT) just to bake something.  And I was so excited to finally get my shipment with my kitchen stuff so that I could cook, but I pretty much have reverted back to just "assembling" meals whenever I am home to eat.  Toast with various toppings has become a staple for me.  Which leads me to another thing..

4.  I eat way more carbs here.  I think this is probably pretty foreseeable and not all that shocking.  Rice and noodles are everywhere, and I eat oatmeal for breakfast everyday.  I eat toast most of the nights I have dinner at home.

5.  I leave my computer at work!  Sometimes.  I am much more inclined to lock my computer up at work (either in the audit room or in my locker in the office) at the end of the day if I really don't think I'm going to do any work at home.  I just don't want to carry it around if I don't have to.

Ok friends.  That's all I've got for now.  Hope everyone has a good week!

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