Wednesday, November 28, 2012

History lessons

This week has been full of history lessons!  I have always loved history, but being a product of American public schools, most of what I know is confined to a (semi) modern history of the western world.  I've always kind of known this, but it has really become evident to me over the past year or so.  One thing that I think is interesting to note is that I know a ton about World War I and II, but everything past that seemed to have been crammed into a one week lesson meant to cover 50 years of things happening that weren't quite as favorable towards Americans.

I saw Argo on Sunday night with some friends.  It was AWESOME.  Most of you probably know that I don't really go to the movies much, but this movie was absolutely worth seeing!  Ben Affleck is great.  And Danny Castellano is in the movie too!  (Have I mentioned that I am obsessed with The Mindy Project?)

Anyway - really great film, but it definitely opened my eyes to some things that I guess I was never really aware of before.  Honestly, I had heard of the Iranian hostage crisis before, but I didn't know that there were these Americans who had escaped.  I also had no clue what led to it.  I thought we boycotted the Olympics because we just didn't like Russia.

Everyone should go see it.  Makes you feel a bit patriotic, but also makes you feel like there could be crazy things happening in the world that we just have no clue about...

The other thing I've been learning a lot about this week is the Vietnam War!  I'm going to Ho Chi Minh City this weekend, so I thought it would be prudent to brush up on my (close to embarrassingly little) knowledge about Saigon and the historical significance of the city.

I think we are planning to visit the tunnels and the war museum, and we are going to take a foodie motorbike tour of the city!  Everyone says that the people in Vietnam are super nice, and of course, I can't wait to have some pho and some Vietnamese coffee... yum!  Hopefully I will remember to be a good blogger and take lots of pictures to share with you guys when I am back.

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