Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Happiness Project: February

Remember when I started my own happiness project for the year?  Well, tomorrow marks the last day of January, so let's see how I did!

Go to bed on time - I actually did pretty good with this one.  I've been using my Sleep Cycle app for most of the month in order to keep me honest about my sleep habits, and for the most part, I've done really well with this one!  I am usually in bed between 10 and 11pm each night.  Of course, there were definitely some nights where I was in bed a lot later than that, but overall I'm pretty pleased with how I've done on this goal.

Get out of bed on time - This is a different story.  I started out the month doing pretty well at not snoozing, but I really don't have a good grasp on this.  What usually happens is that my Sleep Cycle alarm will go off, and I'll turn that one off so that I get good sleep data, but then I usually just set another alarm on my phone and snooze for a bit longer.  Not good!!  When I was getting up on time, I definitely did notice that I felt better and more awake, but for some reason, I just can't get myself to get up and get out of bed!  This is one thing I will continue to work on next month.

Exercise three times a week - I did well with this one also!  I don't know if I blogged about this at all before, but a while ago, I read this post on the lululemon blog.  Inspired, I've decided that I'm going to run 100 days in 2014.  I know that doesn't seem like a lot - after all, there are 365 days in a year, and running is a pretty easy daily habit, but for me, I think this is a realistic goal.  I get very very very hot and cold with running, but I would really like to be much more consistent.  So far, I've run 10 times in January, so I'm definitely on track!  In addition, I've kept up with my yoga and swimming, though I'm not doing either of those activities as much as I would like.  So while I would like to amp up both of these workouts, I want to keep it simple and focus on my short term goal of three workouts a week and my longer term goal of 100 days of running this year.

Eat vegetables every day - I did pretty well with this one also! I've been using the MyFitnessPal app most days to track what I've been eating, but honestly, it really isn't too hard to get me to eat vegetables - I love them!  I think there was really only one day that I didn't have vegetables - the food options at Laneway Fest were a bit slim, so I was happy to just have some kebabs :)

Spend ten minutes a day straightening up - This was an epic fail.  I think I did this once.  Sigh.

In the book, the chapter for February is focused on marriage.  Obviously, I'm not married or otherwise partnered up, but I've thought about the title of the chapter, "Remember Love", and tried to think about how some of the topics within the book could be applicable to my life.  I think that I'd just like to put more love and good vibes out into the world.  I mean, I think it's logical to think that if I'm putting good stuff out there, then good stuff will come to me??  So here are the things I'm trying to be mindful of for February:

1.  No dumping - the author talks about how she dumps a lot of her baggage on her husband.  I definitely have a terrible habit of complaining - it is really something that I want to scale back!  My number one focus in February is to stop complaining so much and stop vocalizing so much negativity.  We'll see how this goes - old habits die hard I'm sure, but hopefully I can be more mindful of what I'm going to say before I say it and stop dumping all of my troubles on those around me.

2.  Don't expect praise or appreciation - sometimes I feel like some of the things I do go unnoticed.  And by unnoticed, I really mean unacknowledged.  And sometimes that makes me feel frustrated or resentful.  But it shouldn't.  And I know that.  So I want to practice being more mindful of just doing what I do because I do it and stop expecting people to praise me for it.  I should be doing the things I do because they are the right things to do - not because someone needs to pat me on the back.

3.  Give proofs of love - there are a lot of people in my life that I am very very grateful to have.  I think I don't always show it.  I'd like to try to make a more conscious effort in February.  I don't expect that this will be a wholesale change that will change my behavior in the long run, but I do think it will be nice to just be more outwardly appreciative towards others for the month.

That's it.  Only three things, but I think that they are a pretty heavy three.  Unfortunately, these will probably be much harder to measure - no fancy apps to help me track my complaining - but hopefully I will be able to notice a difference?

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