Saturday, August 3, 2013

One year

Yesterday was my one year anniversary of the day that I moved to Singapore.  One year!  In some ways, it feels like it has only been a few months, and in other ways, it feels like a lifetime has gone by since I was living in Nashville.

So much has happened in the past year, and I've tried to share it on this blog as best I can, but here are some of the highs and lows:

High: I've traveled to so many places and had so many great experiences - the foodie motorbike tour in Vietnam, the sunrise volcano hike in Bali, London, and hiking and wine tasting in Capetown are probably the stand-outs in my mind.

High: People who were total strangers 12 months ago are now some of my best friends.  I've said it a million times before, but the ex-pat community here is really awesome, and I am so thankful for it.  Meeting new people is always fun, but meeting new people doesn't always turn into strong friendships, so I'm thankful that I've found a great circle of friends in Singapore.

Low: Work continues to be a challenge for me.  I've tried not to talk too much about this on the blog, especially not in specific detail, but I've also tried not to hide it on this blog either.  I will say that being out here has given me such a greater appreciation for how lucky I was to have a job that I really loved back in the US.  Of course, I know that the challenges I'm facing now are part of the experience and will (hopefully) develop me professionally, but it's just hard sometimes.  I guess that's why it's not the comfort zone.

Low:  As much as I love living out here, I still miss my peeps at home.

I've got one more year left on my current contract here, and I have no clue what will happen after that.  I still have a lot of things left to cross off on my Singapore Bucket List, so I need to get to work on that!  Time flies out here, so I don't want the next year to disappear too quickly.

PS - I'm doing a month of TED Talks and loving it so far.  If you're interested, join in!  I'm sure that I will blog about some of the thoughts and reactions I have to some of these.

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