Wednesday, October 24, 2012

In the kitchen.. finally!

Since my stuff finally arrived a few weeks ago, the thing I've been looking forward to the most is being able to cook!!  My travel schedule didn't make this practical for a few weeks, but I am happy to say that I was finally able to spend some time in the kitchen recently!

One thing I feel like I don't really eat enough of here is vegetables.  Obviously, I know that I eat vegetables here, but it just seems like I don't eat enough of them, and the ones I do eat are usually stir-fried in lots of oil or are boiled to the point where I'm sure that all the nutrients are gone.  Oh, and I definitely miss my beloved spinach smoothies, although overnight oats has definitely become my daily breakfast, and I love having them.

Ok, so I finally went to the grocery store and was able to buy things without thinking about how long of a shelf / refrigerator life they have!

Weekly grocery haul.  This cost me S$41.

I found an awesome sounding recipe from Tyler Florence that has caramelized butternut squash served with pasta and a butternut squash sauce.  The whole thing can be made without an oven (which is usually used to roast butternut squash), and seemed simple and healthy.  I saw this quarter butternut squash at the store and was excited to try out the recipe!

Other things I grabbed from the store - frozen spinach, bananas, a ton of grapes, and chocolate gelato - it was on sale for only S$7!!

This is me prepping to cook in my tiny kitchen.  I put a cutting board over the sink to pretend like I have actual counter space ha.

Squash caramelizing on the front burner and simmering for sauce on the back burner

Unfortunately, when I took out my blender to get ready to puree my sauce, I realized that the blender has a UK plug, and I still hadn't gotten around to buying an adapter for it!  Wah wah.  So I ended up putting the squash I meant to use for sauce into a Tupperware and having the caramelized squash and onions with plain quinoa.  It was still delicious, and I was so happy to be eating a meal that I made on my own!


The biggest challenge with my kitchen in Singapore is that it is so incredibly tiny.  And not having an oven really sucks.  For those of you who know how much I love to bake, you can imagine that I kind of hate it.  And then on top of that, there are tons of savory foods that are made in the oven too!  Sad :(

So if anyone has some delicious recipes that don't require more than two burners or an oven, please feel free to send them my way!!

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