Friday, January 11, 2013

What I'm Reading Lately

You know how it's not politically correct to say "sit Indian style" anymore?  The other day at yoga, the teacher said "sit Japanese style", and I literally just stared in the mirror and watched what everyone else did because I actually had no clue what she was talking about.  Anyway.

One thing I want to do more of is to read more books.  I used to go through intense spurts of reading and then not look at anything but magazines for months.  Since I bought my Kindle, I've been a bit better about reading consistently, and lately, I've been trying to do a better job of reading more "real" books, instead of just fluff.  Here's a look at some stuff that has caught my eye recently.  Any other suggestions to add to the list?

The Marriage Plot: A Novel - I'm not sure what made me read this.. I think I saw it recommended on a blog, but I actually didn't care for this at all.  I forced myself to finish it, but I wouldn't spend any money on it if I were you.  I think the thing that speaks volumes about this book is that I can't even summarize the plot to you in a way other than this - it is about a girl and a guy and their weird relationship.  Anybody else read this and feel differently?

Born to Run - Great book about our natural abilities to run long distances.  As someone who has been an aspiring runner for more than half my life, this was fascinating and inspiring.  Loved it.

Fresh Medicine: How to Fix Reform and Build a Sustainable Healthcare System - Written by Phil Bredesen, the former governor of Tennessee, this book was really informative.  Unfortunately, the healthcare debate is not something that I am very well-versed in, so sometimes this got a bit dry, but this book gave me a lot of things to think about.

The Hunger GamesCatching Fire, and Mockingjay - I totally got sucked in The Hunger Games series.  I saw the movie on a plane, and then I saw that the books were free on Amazon Prime, and I was hooked!  I tore through each of these books in a day or two.  I usually avoid any type of series, but this one was quick and entertaining.

Steve Jobs - According to, I am the last person to read this book, but it totally lived up to the hype, in my opinion.  I absolutely loved this book.

How to Be an American Housewife - This book is listed as a story about mother-daughter relationships, cultural bonds, and family tradition.  I bought this one for my mom too :)

The Lemon Tree - This is what I'm reading right now.  It's based on a feature that was aired on NPR's Fresh Air several years ago, and it is the story of a Palestinian and an Israeli who each lived in the same house (at different times).  The book talks a lot about Arab-Israeli history, which is something that is rarely taught in the US (and when it is taught, it is presented in a very Western perspective).  So this book has been really enjoyable so far, as I've loved learning a bit more about an area of the world that I didn't know much about.

And this is what I'm reading next!

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