Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A quick hello

Hi friends. I know I've been quiet lately, but life has been busy. I'm running around up until the day I leave to come see you all, so we will just have to catch up then. In the meantime, here is a dump of some fun photos from my life lately. See you soon!

I am a creature of habit when it comes to breakfast.  I usually get stuck on something, and I eat it over and over and over.  Mostly, it is either spinach smoothies or oats.  For the first few months that I lived here, I was eating overnight oats every single morning.  Because it is a million degrees outside.  Recently, I bought a new oat medley mix (cheaper than the S$5 for rolled oats!), and I absolutely LOVE this stuff!

I've been eating it hot.. made with half almond milk and half water.. with a sliced banana stirred in.. and with a scoop of Justin's maple almond butter.  So delicious.  I can't get enough!

Suddenly, I've noticed that there are some random coffee offerings in Singapore.  The first picture is Starbucks, and the second one is McDonald's.  I haven't tried either, but based on the reaction on Instagram, it seems like you guys are very intrigued by the Asian Dolce Latte.  If I get a chance to try it before I come home, I'll be sure to report back!

I was feeling a bit under the weather a few days ago.  Like a true local, I had fish porridge to try to knock whatever was ailing me out.  Not too bad actually.  I would probably eat this again.

Apparently, Magnum bars have been slowly making their ways onto grocery shelves in the US!  A friend posted a picture of Magnum bars on sale at Target for $3.49.  That same day, I snapped this picture of the exact same box at my neighborhood grocery store.

A co-worker is in town visiting, so I've been playing tour guide.  We went to the new aquarium and saw a bunch of marine life.

At the gift shop, I saw a friendly reminder of how bizarre the Singapore pricing structure is.

We also made a stop at the lovely Gardens by the Bay and took in the super-trees, a waterfall, some statutes, and a ton of flowers!

So things have been busy, and time is flying, but I couldn't be more excited to come home and see you all.  I may or may not get another post up before I head back to the US, and I almost certainly will not be blogging while I'm home.  But hopefully we will be catching up in person instead of virtually, so you guys can all tell me about what's going on in your life!!

See you soon :)

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