Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Give me a break

I was able to enjoy this delicious ice cream treat the other day in the middle of afternoon at work.  Sometimes you just need a treat in order to rescue yourself from a tough day.

As I've previously blogged, I've been having (more than) a few bad days lately.  I don't want to sugar coat it, lest you all think that I do nothing but travel and eat, but work has been pretty frustrating lately.  I, for one, am definitely looking forward to some time off and a much needed break!

Scene from my morning commute.  Don't let the serenity of this picture fool you.

In the US, we shut down for about two weeks around Christmas time every year.  Not so in Singapore.  I'm going to spend Christmas on the beach in Thailand (don't worry mom, we've found a church to go to on Christmas Eve), but then I head back into the office on the 26th.  I work Wednesday - Friday, and then fly off to Bali for New Years!  I'm really excited for both of these trips, not only because they seem like amazing experiences, but also because I really need some R&R right about now!

Some of you have asked if I am sad about not being home for Christmas, and the truth is - not really.  I don't mean that to sound as heartless as it probably does, but for some reason, it really just doesn't feel like Christmas to me.  I don't think it's the 80 degree weather, but I think it's just a general lack of Christmas-y things.  And I'm not talking about decorations, because those are EVERYWHERE, but honestly, I think it's the food.  There are no gingersnaps, no spice cake, no peppermint bark, no buckeyes.  It's weird.  It just doesn't feel like Christmas.

Of course, I'm sad that everyone will be home, and I won't get to see you.  I'm sad that I am missing Christmas Eve service at First Baptist.  I'm sad that I won't get to eat cocktail shrimp in front of an inflatable snow globe.

But if I can't be home for Christmas, I guess a beach in Thailand isn't bad.  I'm ready for a break.

Beware the snatch thief.

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